We have to keep this new design for keeping flies off under wraps as John has not yet had a chance to patent it yet. Another feature is it also keeps freinds away as no one wants to be seen next to the wearer in public
We reviewed the different compass options. The mobile phone and GPS compasses work well in the dark but you can't read them in bright sunshine. The traditional compass is a better bet but notice the one on the bottom row second from the left is pointing in the wrong direction. We always wondered why Graham always gets lost, now we know.
PDA Maps are a great idea but you need to stand in the shade to be able to read them.
Of course if it is raining then the user also needs someone to hold an umbrella to keep it dry.
SMS Questions 2008 - Where is the nearest Irish Bar in Pamplona? The answer came straight back in time for us to get there for the start of the footy.
Cycle, walk, stay in the pub, whatever you do the monitor says you have used up fewer than you have consumed.
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